ŠTUMPF, M. Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2008.


Posudek vedoucího

Leone, Marco

The subject of the thesis is the numerical high-frequency analysis of power-bus structures consisting of two conductive layers, separated by a dielectric sheet, as used for power distribution of multilayer printed-circuit boards. For this purpose, the candidate had to implement a 2D-Method of Moments (MoM) algorithm, based on approaches applied for microwave planar structures. The candidate thoroughly studied all the necessary literature, especially the relevant chapters in the book of Okoshi (Ref.[4]), and was able to effectively adapt the numerical approaches to the specific requirements on printed circuit boards. For this purpose, he had to comprehend the underlaying sophisticated theory, based on Greens theorems for the formulation of appropriate contour integrals, including the extraction of singularities, representing the vertical circuit ports. For the numerical implementation, he presents a simple matrix-reduction scheme, based on the assumption of electrically small ports. As a result, he has set up an efficient MATLAB program which allows calculating the frequency responses of transfer parameters between arbitrarily located ports. By combination with a field-equivalence approach, formerly applied to the analytical solution of rectangular structures, he implemented also the calculation of the radiated electromagnetic far field for arbitrary shapes, plotted as 3D radiation diagrams. The developed algorithm is not only validated by the reference analytical solution for the rectangular structure, but also by an example with an irregular shape, using the results of commercial software as reference, based on a 3D full-wave solver. As impressively shown by a computational performance study, a comparable accuracy is obtained at only a fraction of computation time. I summary, the candidate excellently achieved all the specified tasks of the thesis in a relatively short time. Moreover, he conducted also an experimental validation of the numerical model and presents a possible solution for embedding the power bus structure into a circuit-level simulation via Touchstone data interface. As shown by an example, this allows the complete analysis of a power-delivery network including discrete decoupling capacitors, providing an efficient and versatile engineering design tool. Mr. Stumpf was very active during the project and he has proven his ability to carry out a scientific work systematically, solving difficult problems quite independently. The report is very well structured and properly written in English language. Also regarding formal aspects, it is to be excellently rated.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Využití literatury A 10/10
Aktivita během řešení a zpracování práce (práce s literaturou, využívání konzultací, atd.) A 20/20
Formální zpracování práce A 20/20
Splnění zadání A 45/50
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Láčík, Jaroslav

Diplomant se ve své práci zabýval implementací a testováním metody hraničních prvků v programu MATLAB. Implementována metoda byla použita pro analýzu power-bus struktur desek plošných spojů a její vlastnosti byly porovnány s komerčním softwarem ANSOFT Designer a ověřeny experimentálně. Z tohoto porovnání je zřejmé, že přesnost a efektivnost programu je vynikající. Diplomant při řešení tohoto náročného úkolu postupoval správně a předvedl kvalitní znalosti elektromagnetismu a numerických metod.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků zadání A 20/20
Odborná úroveň práce A 49/50
Interpretace výsledků a jejich diskuse A 20/20
Formální zpracování práce A 10/10
Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 8936