LNĚNIČKA, L. Inovační technologie pro elektrotechnickou výrobu [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2010.


Posudek vedoucího

Polytech, Petersburg State

1. Information about Assignment The thesis is devoted to a Systematic approach to Conceptual Design in Engineering. Mr.Lnenicka's assignment was to study modern' approaches to production improvement and to focus on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). The Thesis reviews TQM, 6 sigma, Lean and other managerial strategies that provide ways to improve technical systems and processes. Then Mr.Lnenicka presents his vision of TRIZ, explaining the main instruments of the theory. The most challenging part of the thesis is the attempt to approach a real problem from "Kryotherm" company. The assignment was not easy for the supervisor due to several objective reasons. First of all, this was the supervisor's first experience in guiding of foreign undergraduate student. Second, Mr. Lnenicka has only been studying at SPbSPU for three months, we did not know much about his background studies, interests and intentions, so there were many things we had to guess. Indeed, three months are not enough to complete all work necessary. I wish the correspondence had started earlier by Mr.Lnenicka had arrived. Finally, the subject of Mr.Lnenicka's study was not an easy one. Mr.Lnenicka could have chosen a more standard and, therefore safe, topic, but he bravely decided to enter a new field of knowledge, where there are still few books and manuals available. I would evaluate the achievement level at about 75%. 2.Activity during solving, consultation, communication Mr. Lnenicka was fairly active. He voluntarily participated in a one-week TRIZ class organized by the local BEST board. I tried to be always online and did my best to answer Mr.Lnenicka's questions. I have to admit that during the 2-3 final weeks of Mr. Lnenicka's placement I had to focus on my own Doctor of Science dissertation. The student was prepared enough forthe consultations. However, for future success I would recommend Mr. Lnenicka to listen to his advisers more carefully and not to hesitate to clarify the point of task or discussion. Thus, Mr.Lnenicka spent some time searching for information on a subject he had simply misunderstood (Like "Subfield" instead of "SuField", etc). 3. Activity during finishing The thesis was prepared on time. The final versions of the thesis showed some "empty slots" in Mr.Lnenicka's understanding of the theory, especially in his approach to solving real life problem. Therefore, if I had the final version two weeks earlier I would had been more helpful. 4. Work with Bibliography As I mentioned, the subject of the dissertation was a challenge. Therefore, there are not so many books and papers available in libraries about TRIZ. However, Mr. Lnenicka worked with web-based sources and did it well.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění zadání B 40/50
Aktivita během řešení a zpracování práce (práce s literaturou, využívání konzultací, atd.) A 20/20
Formální zpracování práce E 10/20
Využití literatury A 10/10
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Novotný, Radovan

V teoretické části je mnoho chyb a nepravdivých konstatování. Některé příklady jsou uvedeny níže. V praktické části práce je popsáno několik nesourodých myšlenek s aplikací metod inventivního řešení problémů. Mnohé z obsahu je převzato ze stranek kryotherm.ru a mohlo by být považováno za porušení autorského práva. THEORETICAL PART OF THE WORK Overall description is only in the form of general clichés. There are many nonsenses in the written work. Here are some examples: Six Sigma. (i) "Six Sigma has come to mean failing to meet a customer requirement only 3.4 times out of a million opportunities." (page 11 of the Thesis) From the statistical view of point it is not true. (ii) "Creating specific continuous actions to reduce variation in existing business processes that cause failures to conform to customer requirements." - (page 12). Six sigma isnt about "continuous actions". Six sigma is really about "six sigma projects" that are realised according the DMAIC methodology. Lean Manufacturing (i) "Method of Separate, Simplify, Standardize, Sustaing 4S" - (page 15). Such method does not exist. One of the lean manufacturing method is 5S. (ii) "LEAN is a general managerial (….). There will be no specific recommendations, who changes a specific product of specific technology." - (page 15). It is not true. There are many methodological guidelines, procedures and principles to apply the concept of lean production. Quality Function Deployment (i) "The article also shows a QFD chart to make the concept much clearer." - (page 16). Which article? Which chart? In the chapter devoted to QFD is no picture. Is this sentence counterfeit? (ii) "The idea of QFD is timing, performance evaluation, and resource commitment." - (page 16). Why? This is a false statement. QFD is about transformation of requirements into desing of product and process and not about timing, performance evaluation, and resource commitment. Total Quality Management (i) "The basis of TQM is to decrease the errors produced during (…) to ratio of 1 per 1 million units produced, (…). - (page 17). This argument is misguided. (ii) The argument "Accepting that a level of defects or errors is inevitable" (page 18) is inconsistent and in conflict with the statement in the page 19: "Adopt the philosophy of zero errors/defects (…)". There are similar errors ane falsehoods in the other parts of the work. PRACTICAL PART OF THE WORK The task was to solve the model problem. There are described only a few disparate ideas related to solving inventive problems in the sixth chapter of the thesis. Some of the content is taken from the pages kryotherm.ru. It could be a form of copyright infringement.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků zadání E 10/20
Odborná úroveň práce F 10/50
Interpretace výsledků a jejich diskuse F 3/20
Formální zpracování práce C 7/10
Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 31807