VRTĚLKOVÁ, H. Řízený laserový zdroj pro plašení ptactva [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2021.


Posudek vedoucího

Kadlec, Radim

The thesis was conceived to design and assemble a laser-based, safety bird repeller. The actual activities leading towards the predefined result involved thorough research into the literature on bird scaring; designing the structural components; designing and fabricating the units to supply and control the laser diode; and verifying the functional capabilities. The student produced the device independently, contacting the supervisor regularly to discuss major issues relevant to the work. All of the procedures, however, were affected to a certain extent by the current worldwide problems and difficulties, beyond the means of the student. Consequently, some of the components were delivered late, and the circuit could not be activated before the thesis submission deadline. The student utilized the literature available, and the sources are duly referenced within the general introduction. The abstract nevertheless appears to be inappropriately concise, capturing only a small part of the contents. The concluding section does not include all necessary information either, due in particular to the delayed completion. The repeller is presently ready for outdoor testing in vineyards and will be put into operation this year, integrated into a set containing also a detection system and a manipulator. The thesis is written in a matter-of-fact manner, avoiding verbosity; formally, in language terms, the author maintains a good standard, although typos and minor grammar and style issues are found throughout the text. The present research task has been completed successfully, making the thesis fully defensible.

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Posudek oponenta

Kyselák,, Martin

The submitted thesis devotes itself to a Controllable laser source for bird repelling. It deals with actual abundantly used methods of bird repelling and takes into account why is laser repelling an advantageous technique to be used. The thesis is clear, understandable and beneficial, as it deals with current issues. The practical benefit of the work is excellent, which is focused on a specific product (laser source), which is functional. The heat sink for the laser diode was designed. Two designs of PCBs were made, one with ESP32-DEVKITC-32U and one with module ESP32-WROOM-32D. The opportunity for a simple exchange of variants with an internal and external antenna can be appreciated. The author states, that it was not possible to finish the solution and testing of the device design in time (due to the situation caused by COVID-19). However, the author promises that the work will be completed and the solution will be functional on the day of the diploma thesis defence. The thesis is written in well English. The references are sufficient and actual. I recommend the diploma thesis for defence and I propose to award 91 points.

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eVSKP id 128428