ŠPŮREK, J. Kruhově polarizované anténní řady na bázi SIW [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2022.


Posudek vedoucího

Raida, Zbyněk

The dissertation thesis submitted by Jan Spurek is focused on the design methodology developed for millimeter-wave antenna arrays with circular polarization and modular architecture. Personally, I highly appreciate: - The design methodology allowing to increase the operation frequency of an array up to 60 GHz and easily extend the size of the array. - The feasibility study explaining the influence of manufacturing tolerances when the frequency is increased. - The concept of a cover layer with parasitic patches. Thanks to those patches, additional degrees of freedom are introduced, and the axial ratio can be significantly improved. The dissertation thesis is original in several aspects. This fact can be proven: - By 5 records on Web of Science including 4 conference papers and 1 journal article (Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, MOTL). - By 7 citations on Web of Science; Jan’s H-index is 2. - By an additional paper, which was submitted to MOTL and is under review now. Jan was engaged in educational activities at the university as well: - He supervised 1 bachelor thesis focused on shaping the pattern of antenna arrays. - He contributed to teaching and updating computer exercises of courses focused on computer aided design of microwave structures. According to my opinion, Jan Spurek meets all usual requirements on a PhD candidate. I therefore fully recommend PhD thesis authored by Jan to be defended.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Joler,, Miroslav

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Navrhovaná známka

Mazánek, Miloš

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Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 137466