ALMABROK, A. Analýza možností využití tepla pro ohřev teplé užitkové vody, vytápění a chlazení domácností [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2014.


Posudek vedoucího

Toman, Petr

Amabrok Abdoalhade Almabrok finished Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of Brno University of Technology in 2004. His PhD study he started in 2008. Doctoral state examination he passed in 2010 and in July 2014 he submitted his doctoral dissertation. Dissertation is focused on analysis of the possibilities of using cogeneration and tri-generation for improving energy efficiency in countries where these systems are not commonly used. This is in accordance with requirement on sustainable development not only power systems but whole society. PhD student has made a lot of analysis of present situation in Libya and after that he focused on possibilities of evaluation of usability of combined systems under different operational conditions e.g. altitude and latitude etc. During the study period he demonstrated an ability to do research work. The quite long period of study was dominantly caused by war in Libya. PhD student is an author or co-author of 7 articles published in proceedings of scientific conferences. The topic of this dissertation work is up-to-date and could be important for sustainable development of electrical power systems not only in countries where combined systems are not commonly used. The doctoral dissertation produces a substantial scientific progress and has original contribution to knowledge of the subject concerned. I recommend it for defence.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Dvorský, Emil

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Santarius, Pavel

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