REZNICHENKO, N. Aplikace metody diskontovaného peněžního toku při hodnocení investičního projektu malého ruského podniku [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2017.


Posudek vedoucího

Sághy Estélyi, Kristína

The author has devoted much time to collect relevant data for analysis and has cooperated closely with the analyzed firm to understand its current situation. She has done a thorough analysis of business environment and the possibilities of expanding business to foreign market, as well. The author has applied the discounted cash flow model to evaluate several scenarios of cash inflows and cash outflows generated by the design, production and sale of high quality furniture for children. The evaluation of cash flows could have been more accurate if the author has dealt in more details with possible forms of funding the project. The different ways of funding the project would influence the project cash flows in different ways – the author should have devoted more attention to this fact and analyze the possibilities in a more thorough way together with their effects on cash flows. Due to the lack of relevant financial data from the analyzed firm, its financial situation is not clearly demonstrated – it would have been useful if the author has attempted to make it more transparent in the thesis. The author should have dealt in a more detailed way with the benefits of this investment project for the designers (current owners) and for the possible investors, as well. In overall classification I have taken into account the author´s choice of a more demanding topic, the lack of original financial data from the analyzed firm and the difficulties with modelling processes in a start-up small firm, as well.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění stanovených cílů C
Zvolený postup řešení, adekvátnost použitých metod B
Schopnost interpretovat dosažené výsledky a vyvozovat z nich závěry C
Praktická využitelnost výsledků D
Uspořádání práce, formální náležitosti, použitá terminologie a odborná jazyková úroveň C
Práce s informačními zdroji, včetně citací B
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Buliatkin,, Evgenii

Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 96167